Max Greenlights a New Medical Drama Set in Pittsburgh
“The PITT,” from the producers behind “ER,” will focus on frontline workers at a modern-day hospital in Pittsburgh.
It’s about time a medical drama was set in Pittsburgh.
Warner Bros. has announced that Max has greenlit a 15-episode, straight-to-series drama called “The PITT,” produced by and starring Noah Wyle of “ER” fame. “The PITT” will be “a realistic examination of the challenges facing health care workers in today’s America as seen through the lens of the frontline heroes working in a modern-day hospital in Pittsburgh,” according to a press release.
Pittsburghers can indeed hope for a realistic show; assistant professor Beth Hoffman, who teaches a course called Entertainment, Media, and Health at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health, was asked to connect the show’s creators with clinicians in the Pittsburgh area.
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She also shared stories of Freedom House, the first emergency medical service in the nation which was founded in the Hill District with an all-Black staff, and Jonas Salk developing the polio vaccine in Pittsburgh.
“It is really my hope that this show will help shed light on the amazing history we have here in Pittsburgh in terms of health and medicine,” she says. “Pittsburgh has such a rich history and an active medical community that I think it’s absolutely time [for a show to be set here], and I’m really excited to see what comes with it.”
Along with Warner Bros, the show will be produced by John Wells Productions, the company behind “ER,” “The West Wing” and many other award-winning shows. Wells is a Carnegie Mellon University graduate.
“We are grateful to Warner Bros. Television and Max for giving us this opportunity to return to the world of urban medicine,” Wells, Wyle and showrunner R. Scott Gemmill said in a statement. “The myriad of challenges facing the doctors, nurses, technicians, patients, and their families who work in the trenches of modern medicine have become only more pronounced in the decade and a half since we last visited their stories.”
No cast members other than Wyle have been announced, and production dates have not yet been released.